Brainspotting was developed by David Grand, PhD. It is a therapeutic technique that differs from talk therapy, which typically activates your neocortex (rational thinking, learning and problem-solving). Although this approach works for some, engaging in a therapeutic modality that solely focuses on this area of your brain may leave you feeling stalled in treatment and unable to obtain the level of resolution that you desire.
Brainspotting activates your limbic system (memory, emotions, regulation), which promotes deep processing, and assists in transitioning from a space of living with an overactive reptilian brain (protective system: fight, flight, freeze & fawn, survival) and into a space of balance and integration of your internal systems with the external world. Brainspotting focuses on your mind/body connection. Brainspotting utilizes your visual field to find the connection between your eye position in relation to activating experiences and couples this with increased awareness regarding where this experience is present in your body. This is identified as a brainspot and allows the opportunity for your mind and body to rebalance, find healing, explore alternative perspectives and be more in control of your internal systems. Brainspotting capitalizes on resources that are already present inside of you and your system knowing how to heal itself when given proper space and attention, which is incredibly empowering and motivating.
Following Brainspotting treatment, you may experience varying outcomes including increased emotional control, improved outlook on life, increased hope, decreased physical symptoms, decreased severity of mental health symptoms, improved self-view, increased performance and focus, and improved relationships.
Please go to the Contact Us page if you’d like to find out more about Brainspotting or if you’re interested in beginning Brainspotting treatment.